Video and Online Events

Fundraising in the Age of A.I.

Everyone is talking about A.I., and nonprofits are successfully implementing A.I. tools to streamline everything from donor solicitation to gift acknowledgement. Some are calling it the “A.I. revolution.” But even with the rush to embrace the latest generative A.I. platforms, questions and concerns about its ethical use and impact on society remain. To help you understand the potential A.I. presents to fundraisers and avoid the risks, we are bringing together tech and fundraising leaders for an

Raytheon Professional Services: Simulation Training for Oil & Gas Environments

Workers in the Oil and Gas industry, especially those in offshore environments, require specialized training to ensure maximum safety and response compliance. Raytheon's solutions are specifically designed to increase the safety and effectiveness of personnel in high consequence situations. Raytheon Professional Services (RPS) offers proven simulation training that is highly realistic and immersive and readies learners to perform at their highest levels of competency.